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Monday 25 June 2012


5 Years Later

The thunderous clouds created an atmosphere of terror in the minds of the life below on earth. The sun, with all its glory, with all its fire was hidden behind the lightning and roaring clouds that seemed to be bent on spreading darkness across the lands.

Admist the angry clouds flew the  phoenix of fire, not red, but black. It's feather's had lost the royalty. It had turned into a dark phoenix, of dark fire, burning the rain drops to vapors as it flew. Upon its back was the familiar face of Kane Firecaster. His eyes, wet, not by the crying clouds, but because of his crying heart. In his memories resided his lost brother, the brother he hated with all his heart. 

"Why? Brooklyn... we could have had a happy life... why? why did you have to be so good?", Kane's heart asked his brother, who according to people's belief, would now be somewhere here in the skies, in a place called heaven. Even the Phoenix could feel the darkness, the hollowness in Kane's heart, so strong it was. His memories were creating his life into his mind.


"kane! come here my son!", his cheerful mother called him, "look what i brought for you"
"mommy!," the cute little boy smiled as he ran happily to his mother...

how happy our life was.....

"i am proud of you Brooklyn, my son, you bring proud to the whole Firecaster clan.", Kane's father said proudly keeping a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder who beamed with pride himself.

you were my strongest ninja...

walking through the streets, a conversation between the street vendor and his customer caught Kane's attention, "hey did you hear about Brooklyn Firecaster? that boy is amazing isn't he?"

"yeah, i had heard he activated his sharingan at the age of seven!", the shopkeeper replied.
"i am a ninja myself but i cannot even imagine how some people are so gifted with talent and a genius mind.. he has been chosen as the leader of Anbu cops today.. he makes us proud.", the customer said joyfully as if Brooklyn was his relative, in a sense he was, they shared the Firecaster blood.

my role model, everything i aspired to become, were you..

"elder brother! please, teach me the jutsu you promised to teach me..", a seven year old Kane demanded.
"not today little kid, i have a very important mission, for which i have to leave soon for a while," Brooklyn replied poking his brother's forehead with two of his fingers.

"no you're so bad you do this all the time!!," cried Kane.
"hey i promise the next time i will ok?.. now c'mon lets go back", the elder brother made a false promise again as he carried his beloved onto his back

you lied to me every time, but still, i wanted to become like you. i thought you loved me.

It was a dark alley, in a destroyed village, in a dark night. Kane walked through the alley, looking around at the lifeless bodies. He walked ahead to his home slowly, scared and worried for his family. His mind was full of questions, but the answers did not matter more than his family. He ran to the palace, his home..

"Ma!.. papa!" he called out. The palace had the same scenario like the streets outside, guards dead, lights blown out, silence everywhere. His voice echoed in the thick air. He had never been so scared. When he ran his way back to the village after training for hours in the forest and learning his new jutsu, he thought he would tell his father of his new accomplishment and hopefully he might this time praise him for his hard work. But what he saw when he reached near the palace shook him. As he walked into the King's room to look for his father, he was more than scared and dumbfounded. "Brother! wha...what are you doing? what is happening? who is this man?" he asked as he looked towards the man. "Brooklyn! no!" Kane screamed as he saw his brother slice his hand equipped with a dark jutsu across their father's neck. Their father's dead body fell on the ground besides their dead mother. "NOOO!!!!!" Kane screamed .

And then, you killed... our happy life, our parents, our clan, and you killed yourself, to let me live...
"brother....why? who is this man.. our parents,...!", Kane's voice was cold, not finding its way out of his throat anymore as he burs into tears. He did not fail to notice the lifeless eyes of his brother which reflected no mercy, no love.  Since an year now, he had known his brother to be so, he had changed over time. his relation with their father had turned bitter but never in his dreams Kane could imagine he would go this far. Even their loving mother, he killed...
"This is Diedara.", Brooklyn finally spoke and signaled Diedara to move out. Kane watched Dieadara walk out and asked, "why?"

i asked you the truth.. it was not a play, not one of your false promises, you ... how could you....

"because i want power. hatred and ruthlessness is the only way. i had to kill everyone to get that power.", Brooklyn replied. "Then i hate you more!", Kane rose up from the floor and ran towards Brooklyn but was punched in the face and thrown back into a wall.
Before he could fall after hitting the wall, a fast Brooklyn caught him by his neck against the wall, watching his mouth bleed.

How could you lie again? how could you keep me in the dark? why could you not trust me with the truth back then?

Brooklyn spoke again,
"Kane.. my brother.. i see your love for me dying already. that is good. in time, you will too learn the path to power. I could kill you too little brother. But as always, you are too weak. look at yourself, crying like a girl. I will let you live and die everyday when you remember this night, and realise how much of a weakling you are. but i will leave you with an advice, Hatred, ruthlessness, are the only paths to power, only the stronger has the right to live. Like me, i live because i can, Father couldn't, because he was not strong. i will leave you alive to feel my hatred. When you can hate me with all your heart, when you won't hesitate to seperate my head from my body, that will be the day you can call yourself strong. Until  then, run for your life little brother, so that you do not waste this chance that i gave you. Do not forget little brother, always remember, i am your brother, a wall that you have to climb, when you have eyes like mine, come to me", he finished as a tear rolled down his emotion less eyes which was immediately noticed by the little brother.

how could i have missed that tear? i had to know.. i should have seen it.. i should have...

"Grow up kid, i will not leave you everytime. c'mon Zan, tell Diedara your mission cannot be finished because you have to come with me for an important mission. Killing a kid is not our job" Brooklyn pushed back Kane's hand making him fall back on the ground. "wait!" Kane screamed but Brooklyn and his partner disappeared into smoke.
Kane was left alone in the forest with his horrible childhood, the feeling of weakness that he hated, one moment he was all strong and dominant over Zan but Brooklyn once again brought up the weak Kane. The Kane who feared, who cried, did nothing to hide his feelings. The rain drops made their way down his cheeks along with the tears Brooklyn had left. The strong prince of fire sat their in the darkness, 'crying like a girl'.

You wanted me to become stronger, we could do that together.. why brother.. ? why did you not tell me then, when you had one more chance?


The clouds held back their tears for now, but continued to keep the lands dark, under their shade. Kane stood up on Dranzer's back, letting the winds travel through his dark hair. Looking far ahead into the clouds, Kane talked to his dead brother,"You wanted to make me a hero, in the eyes of those people, people who caused you to kill your parents, who used you, pushed you through hell, for their benifit, and you wanted me to be a hero for those? i cannot understand how you care about them, but walking on your path will be foolishness... i will avenge you, our clan, and regain our royalty, our pride, a

In the land of life…

The night sky was covered with thick clouds, the moon couldn't spread its light no matter how much it would try. On the window of her lonely Palace, Scarlet sat in a red colored, thin, silk robe starting much below her neck, leaving her shoulders bare, its straps hung at her arms, her knees folded up into the embrace of her arms as she looked outside in the dark. The city looked like just a shadow until it was illuminated by a loud thunderous lightning for a second or so. The sky was crying again, slowly. Its tears came down upon the earth as soft drizzles. Scarlet's eyes could never stop shedding tears as her mind was filled with memories of her love.


A bright day it was, but not very good, at least, for Kane and Scarlet...

The lovers were enjoying the cool winds of the waters in an attempt to escape the hot land, Dranzer was pleased as ever to be their ride. Flying above the vast sea, Dranzer's speed caused the water below to ripple apart as it flew. Scarlet giggled as she fought with all her strength to stay up while Kane tried to push her down into the water..

"NO KANE!!!.. hahaha.. please! oh... ", Scarlet seemed to be enjoying this as much as Kane did, "whah!!?"

A fast arrow, missing the head, passed through Scarlet's blonde hairs that were flying with the wind. Kane quickly held Scarlet back into his arms as his eyes looked into the direction from where the arrow came. 

"where the hell did that come from?", Scarlet asked horrified as she looked around, the arrow having just missed her head.

"there's more to come...," replied Kane who seemed to be lost as he stared at the west. Scarlet's eyes followed his gaze and widened with shock, as they saw several ninjas flying on some kind of bird like creatures she had never seen before. They were grey colored and had no feathers, "turn back Dranzer!"

Dranzer flew upwards as it turned, trying to avoid the numerous arrows that filled the sky all of a sudden as an attack was launched by the ninjas.

"these are the wind ninja!.. we must've gotten into their territory while flying..", Kane explained as Dranzer tried to escape them to safety, catching a few small arrows into its chest and wings.

"there are so many of them!! its raining arrows and in the wrong direction! they should rain down not up!" Scarlet said and saw some ninjas flying above her closing the distance between them slowly, "i didn't really mean it..", she said as she backed into Kane's chest.

"jump down ? from here?", She questioned but rather than answering, Kane just jumped down holding her by her waist with him, they descended upside down towards the sea below (head down legs up). Scarlet's mind soon realized it was under a free fall and she began to scream, no matter what Kane said, nothing could pass her scream and go into her ears. "SCARLET!" Kane screamed, "do you love me?"

"more than yourself" she replied without thinking..
"do you trust me?" he inquired again.
"more than myself", she said, looking into his eyes, forgetting everything.
A bright light illuminated the depth of the sea as Dranzer shrieked, it burnt like hell, the arrows could never reach its body, not being able to sustain the heat around the fire bird and Dranzer went on to clear the skies of ninjas as it was now free to burn not caring who else it could burn.

Kane brought his lips to hers and they pressed their lips together, #SPLASH# as they fell into  the water, tearing through the sea's chest, they kept falling down deeper, slowing down. Sealing their mouths with each other's they remained for a while under the water, sharing their breaths through their mouths.


"i trust you.. i love you..", She whispered into the air. Scarlet still remembered how sudden his departure was, at a time when she would never expect. Scarlet waited for him so long after that but he never came back. Today was the day when she had first met him years ago. And she couldn't bring herself to forget him. She didn't want to beause deep in her heart, she had a light of hope, that they will be together.

"scarlet..", the Suchikage whispered as he walked into her chamber towards her, "forget him my dear.. don't cry for him anymore.. you have waited 5 Years.. its a long time.. i am sure, he will come back, but you don't have to wait, not like this."

"Travyan!", Sche cried and ran to him, bursting into tears as she held onto the fatherly shoulders, "we were so happy.. why... did he have to.."

Travyan caressed the back of her head, "things never remain the same princess... change, is tha law of life, change, can bring joy, or sorrow, but we should not fear change, rather, face it, like a bad dream, which will be over soon, and another change, a good one, will replace it."


Thursday 21 June 2012

7. Good has earned me hatred

King's Palace, 
Land Of Fire,

"my lord... do not worry.. we will find the girl and Kane.. i could never in my dreams think that our beloved Prince would become a traitor," said the old advisor of the king.

Diedara turned his back to the old man and grinned, "yes.. he is a traitor..and not a prince anymore.. we need him back, dead or alive.. go declare him wanted all over the world."

"what? but my lord this isn't.."the old man tried to speak but was cut off in the middle by the king, "do as i say.. i have to think of the interests and welfare of all people and not just one."

The advisor nodded and left a grinning Diedara behind who whispered to himself, "Prince..... heheh..."__________________________________________

The word spread everywhere that the Land of Fire was looking for its Prince, many of the people from fire had turned against him, but the secret followers of the third hokage knew he was good, as they had always seen him as a light of hope after the third hokage.
The world was worried for if the fire prince was doubted to be hiding in their land, it would mean either they find him or prepare for an attack from the fire.

There was a tension among the political class, which feared a fourth ninja war.
Tree of Life,
Land of Life,

The suchikage, and Scarlet were sitting under the tree of life, while Kane stood upon one of its strong branches.
"so i am making way for a fourth ninja war.. is that what you mean?", Kane asked looking seriously at the dark sky in front of him then looked at Scarlet who was looking at him already.

"unfortunately yes my child, but this was not included in the prophecy, and what will happen in the war, we do not know", confirmed the suchikage.

Kane jumped down from the tree in front of the Suchikage, "why don't you tell me the complete thing once and for all? do not feed me pieces of a biscuit like you feed your dog.. what is this prophecy you talk of?"

the suchikage stood up, "as you wish my child... this goes back long long ago in time... to the very first ninja...", the suchikage walked past Kane as he went on to speak, "approximately one thousand years ago, one man, Parashu Hashirama, put all his vedic knowledge of human to practical use, and found the weak points, and he knew so many ways to kill without the use of any chakra or weapon, just by a finger. but as his thirst for  knowledge grew, he learned about the chakra from many gurus and he achieved so much power gradually, his chakra combined with his knowledge of human body, he was invincible. He was the first Ninja. He had enormous chakra, and a dream, to create an army of Ninja, which will establish peace all over the world, and protect the people. But he couldn't bring himself to trust anyone else. Since, he had mastered all six paths of pain, he had the power to switch between worlds. Using all his spiritual chakra along with the natural process to impregnate his wife, He became a father to two young boys, Agni and Senju. He taught them all he knew, they shared his chakra which was divided equally among the two. They grew up under the guidance of their father, but.. the brothers were not as alike in their thoughts as they were in strength. While Senju, like his father, considered peace could be established by equal distribution of power among all the nations, Agni was of the opinion that True peace could only be established by fear, and monopoly of power. Their different ways made them walk seperate paths after Hashirama travelled to the eternal world leaving this world. They went on to create seperate clans, but because of Senju Hashirama spread the knowledge of his father, several other clans too came into existence and in time, with developing imbalance of power even though senju tried to balance it through out the world, a war was inevitable, and Agni used the chance to fuel the war, He launched an attack on one of the ninja clans, and slowly all its allies and enemies jumped into it, it was the first time, all ninjas of the world were at war."

An impatient Kane interrupts, "i am waiting for the prophecy part..."
"c'mon listen quietly Kane its you who wanted to hear everything", Scarlet whispered loud giving a stern look to her lover.

The Suchikage continues, "where were we... yes.. the war.. it was the first war.. very destructive indeed, mountains were shattered like stones.. the war was a good opportunity for Agni to defeat his brother and gain control on everything through power, as he wanted, rather than distributing the power as Senju wanted. The brothers fought, and fought till there was no moon, there powers were immense.. Senju had the Byakugan, and Agni had his all powerful Sharingan, which had both been derived from their father's rinnegan, that split into byakugan ang sharingan and passed into the two brothers. Senju Hashirama, finally won somehow, and the war was ended. It was decided in a meeting of all the nations that Senju's way was correct and that everyone should have the power to defend and that if everyone has equal strength, nobody would want to fight. Every nation then had its own ninja village. Where ninjas were trained. But the descenders of Agni, everytime caused a war, everytime a powerful ninja appeared that would drag the world into war.. Your clan, Kane, is Agni's clan.. Agni means Fire, thus the name of your clan, Firecaster clan. Of course you know what the land of fire has done under the increasing influence of your clan as it rose to power. The fourth hokage of your land, had once made a prophecy, while he was dying"

"what was it?" Kane asked.

The Suchikage thought for a while, trying to recollect the exact words he had read in his book, "the devil's son will burn to be the light"

"what does that mean?", Scarlet asked confused.

"you mean my father was a devil? how can you think i will not cut your head off your body if you call my father a devil?" Kane leered at the old man as he spoke calmly.

"Kane!", Scarlet shouted, "you shouldn't talk to the Suchikage like this.

"sorry, should i say thankyou for calling my father a devil? he was misguided ! not a devil !!"

"just misguided people don't go as far as killing the parents of an infant girl Kane" Scarlet replied to Kane in his style.

"calm down you two..", the suchikage said.

Kane was still staring at Scarlet..her eyes were wet, and said she hated the reasons for his very existence, his father. Kane was not in any mood to think and understand.

He turned, raising his hand up in the air, he brought it back with a force as he screamed, "DRANZER!!!!!!"

His locket, shined with a bright light burning in a sudden fire. The fire kept rising up in the air taking the shape of his beloved Phoenix.
"what are you doing?", Scarlet shouted.

"Kane!!" Suchikage called too but neither he nor the girl got a reply untill Kane was already on Dranzer, in the air, "i have burnt enough. i gave away every bit of patience i had trying to be good. But in the end, there is only hatred everywhere. Good has earned me hatred. The world hates me already for things i have not done, my people hate me for things i have done. I do not hate to be hated, because i am filled with hatred, hatred that i had supressed for long. I will be strong... and i will do, what i am destined for"

Dranzer flew away slowly as Kane talked disappearing into the clouds. Scarlet did not know what just happened to him, where had he gone when will he come, but all she knew was she had to cry. Her eyes couldn't stop flowing as she watched him disappear.

Friday 8 June 2012

6.Troubles for Life

The third Hokage
Office of the Hokage, 
Hidden Leaf Village,

The third hokage sat in his office looking into his evana ball, watching Kane as he approached with three iron ninja.

"hmm.... Kane.. there is no surprise that you have come..", he said to no one, "but i did not expect this would happen so soon.."

He kept watching as Kane sent the three men in three directions and walked towards the office alone. He smiled knowing exactly what Kane was trying. soon he heard the chaos outside that was caused by the iron ninja to distract all the security ninjas. Kane walked freely making his way to the office. The door broke open but the hokage did not turn as he said, "welcome prince of fire.. how may i help you?"

The sound of a sharp metal sliding against metal ran through the room as Kane pulled out his katana sword and kept the sharp blade on the hokage's neck, "first of all, the answer that i wanted since a long time, why do you hide in the hidden leaf?"

The Hokage couldn't help smiling. He couldn't make out if it was over-confidence, foolishness, or an attempt to feel powerful that made Kane visit the most powerful ninja of the land of Fire in such a way, "i have always failed to understand your father and it seems....", The old man said, "you are just as unpredictable ....."

"Answer me!," Kane snapped back showcasing his fearlessness while in his full knowledge he knew even though old, the hokage was still pretty much unbeatable.

"It is a long story my child.....", he replied, "it was a long time ago... your father had just come back after plundering the land of life.... and he was furious for he couldn't get the princess who was just a newborn back then... i was always against the ways of your father, his lust for power, even before him, our kings took our land in the wrong direction... i have studied deeply how the land of fire, its people under the wrong guidance of the kings made their own laws, all their wrong desires were right to them... their lust for women and power just kept growing and as you can see, today, in the name of establishing peace by becoming the dominant world power, our people are all kings in other lands.. because they know the result of insulting any individual of the fire... this is tyranny Kane, not peace, and i have throughout my life tried to prevent this.. but why would anyone like the man who says they're wrong?"

As the hokage kept talking, Kane couldn't help loosing himself in his thoughts, his mind kept playing slideshows of images, burning houses, murdered people, crying children, women being dragged mercilessly.. "i have seen all those images in your books.. with my own eyes, and it is very disappointing to know our people take pride in it."

"get to the point..", Kane ordered.

The hokage smiled again at the young man," where was i... yes.. your father.. he was furious.. he was furious because he could not bring a baby girl who he wanted to use as another of his sex slaves when she grew up.. it was a disgusting thought to even touch a woman so young to yourself with lustful hands... and i tried to convey the same to him, so he would forget the girl..but he was sick of my constant opposition through the years of his Kingship i think, and he attempted to kill me.. i managed to escape but my family..... was not so lucky. they were murdered. Your father was powerful, as a ninja and as a King, i was no match. So with a stone upon my heart, i got over my loss, my family, and decided to stop worrying about this world anymore where nobody cared for me.. it was useless being right among a crowd of wrong, and i disappeared into the hidden leaf, and as i tell you this now, i am curious to know how did you find me? and the hidden leaf?"

Kane smirked, "With your evana ball being used so much, Dranzer can easily sense the energy... not to mention, the third hokage is the only one to have used his ninjutsu to create the evana ball...this is my second time to the leaf, and probably last."

The hokage couldn't help being impressed, this boy had the legendary Phoenix of Fire under his control..."that is impressive, now if you can stop pretending you're not afraid, i would like to take this.."

"huh?" Kane was surprised when he realized his sword had been so smoothly pulled out already from his hand and now it was upon his neck, in the hands of the old man standing behind him... his eyes couldn't believe the hokage was not in front of them anymore as they went wide in disbelief, "how did you....??"

"i am now the most powerful fire ninja ever Kane... you did know it didn't you?", the Hokage asked as he closed the distance between him and Kane's back, sliding the sword to the frot of his neck.

"the most powerful... heh.. not for long.." Kane said in a voice as cold-hearted as ever,"tell me why Brooklyn killed my clan and family."

"are you in a questioning position here my child?", the hokage chuckled lightly but was replied with silence, "ok... i'll tell you... i do not know.."

"why don't you? you are the wisest and the most knowledgeable living ninja in the fire.. you have to know!", Kane screamed.

"you have a sword over your neck, and you demand like the neck is mine...", the hokage smiled, "i do not know if i should be impressed, call you brave or foolish.. you confuse me since the moment i saw you in my evana ball... neither the wisest man of fire understands you Kane, neither he knows about your brother and his problems"

"uaAARGH!!" the hokage screamed and stepped back leaving the sword which Kane quickly grabbed again, he turned back to see his kunai knife firmly stuck into the old man's thigh, "powerful but old... rmember the book you wrote, 'path of the ninja'?"

"ugh.. y.. argh,, yes,"the hokage replied groaning in pain as he tried to pull out the thick but sharp knife.

"then you must not forget your own writings," Kane walked to the door and turned back to look at the hurt man, "never get too over confident..."
Having shown his unpredictability and impressive ninja talent, Kane ran away as fast as he could disappearing into the dark corridor.

Soon the informer of the hokage arrived, "oh my god! Lord Hokage!"
he ran to the silver haired man and helped him to a seat, "i'll bring help!"

"No!... i am fine.. a little knife can't do much.. why are you here?",asked the hokage.

"My lord, we have captured the three ninjas that were attacking people around the office, they are from the land of iron"

"good...argh...let them go with a warning...they've been used", the hokage struggled with the knife wondering what kind of a kunai it was that caused so much pain.

"leave them??", the informer asked surprised.

"yes.. do not question... blind fold them and let them loose in the jungle", he ordered again and the informer left.

The old man groaned again as he finally pulled out the kunai, panting, he muttered under his breath, "Kane.........."

King's Palace, 
Land of Life, 

"i think they know that Kane has been working against them for a while now.. i can't imagine what would have happened had they caught me...", Scarlet expressed he thoughts sadly to the Suchikage as she sat on the Cathedra of the Queen of Life, which was left vacant since the death of her mother.

"hmm... this isn't good.", the Suchikage said appearing to be in a deep thought, " If they know you're here it will be even bad than it is now."

"let it be Lord Suchikage.. it is now or never.. we will talk out with other lands and reduced cities to join forces with us and fight back.," the girl draped in black said immediately with a firmness.

"why would they fight with us Sunaina?", Shikamaru raised a questioning eyebrow,"because OUR princess is in danger?"

Scarlet interrupted the conversation,"Shikamaru is right, nobody will help us.. even if they do, we still have pretty less chances.. i shouldn't have come here.."

"no.. no my dear... where else would you go? after all this is your home.. ", the Suchikage smiled, "we will find a way.. i am calling a meeting of all the top go and have some rest. we will talk later. where is the Phoenix?"

"it went back to find Kane..", she replied as she rose from the throne.

The princess was taken into her mother's chamber, the Queen's chamber, while the others sat back trying to think of something.

Sitting back in her comfy bed, Scarlet wondered how her life was turning and where would it go, what was Kane up to?

She heard the sound of a rumbling cape behind her from the window, which was so familiar and she knew was not of the curtains, she didn't had to look and she knew Kane was here. Her heart skipped a beat and her tensed face glowed with a soft smile as she felt his warmth behind her as he got closer, his strong arms slowly wrapped around her slender waist and she was pulled back against him. She let her body fall back into his arms, leaning her head to one side making way for Kane's lips to fall on her neck and love her skin. Kane softly kissed her neck pouring his love on her skin that loved being burnt by it.

She moaned softly, "oh Kane...", and breathed deep.
"i am glad to see you're fine," he whispered into her year and planted another kiss below her ear making her body jerk backwards into him. Scarlet breathed deeply again as she spoke, "you knew they were going to come after us?"

She felt his lips slide up her neck and then his face pressed into her cheek,"yes", was all he said. She turned to face him feeling such a sudden eruption of love from her heart like lava erupts from a volcano, "promise me we'll be together my love", she said before her lips found his and they shared their immense love for each other... a promise was made in the kiss, that not even the air around could sense, only the two united souls did.