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Thursday 3 May 2012

4.The beginning of the end

Land of Iron ,

"Welcome sir..", A fat man said as he opened the door to his house, "i have been waiting for you."

Kane and Scarlet walk into his house and he closes the door. "what do you have that you think can interest me?", Kane asked as he walked to and sat on a couch, "sit Scarlet", he patted the space next to him on the couch. Scarlet hesitated for a moment, Did Kane not care what people would say about him for letting a slave sit with him? 

"Sir this dirty slave can't..", The man tried to speak but was interrupted by Kane, "Do not... utter.. a word... DI..EG..O", he certainly was angry Diego guessed by the way he spoke his name, "Scarlet isn't dirty like your woman, and she is not YOUR slave. Another act of disrespect for Scarlet and i shall be leaving with nothing but i will make sure your head does not remain in it's place!" 

Having said that Kane pulled Scarlet on the couch with him. Scarlet did not want any blood, specially in her name. "uh.. i.. i am sorry my lord forgive me..i apologize Princess," Diego managed to speak. Scarlet wondered if she was referred as 'Princess' really or were it her ears? It had been years since she visited her land, and the people of life, the only people who called her 'Princess'.

"Now speak  that for which you had sent for me," Kane said crossing his legs one on the other.
"uh.. right.. sir..," Diego sat on the other couch,"i heard from my sources that King Diedara has been conspiring against you for a while now, if you ever wondered why he has been sending you to so many missions lately, if my sources are to be believed, it is because he wants you to never come back from one such mission. He has been giving you missions so everyone gets used to it and nobody doubts him when one day only the news of your death returns. Now i hope you know why could i not come to you to tell what i knew."

"Anything else?", Kane asked un-moved by the information he was given, but Scarlet was.
"uh? my lord.. you do not seem worried?," Diego inquired but Scarlet interrupted the conversation, "WHY?? why does he wants to kill Kane now!? i mean.. kill master now?"

Kane spoke first before Diego could, "well, Diego, now if you can answer Scarlet, that would be something i don't know already." Diego realized that Kane knew about his death being planned, he could not make out why it wasn't affecting Kane, it wasn't like he was the strongest and nobody could kill him, yet his face did not show a little discomfort either. Rather Scarlet felt more fearful and worried."i cannot be sure yet but i believe, Diedara wants your eyes sir. he wants the sharingan. That is what i know for now."

"What does he needs the sharingan for? that pervert can find no use of sharingan.. nothing better than looking through women's clothes!!," Scarlet screamed in anger and punched the table as she stood up. Kane stood up too and spoke as he walked to the door,"Send two of your best men to the hidden leaf village tomorrow morning, do not ask me why."

"y.... yes sir..but.. what about the deal?," Diego asked worried. Scarlet took out a small green bottle from her waist bag, and handed it over to Diego, "here it is.. you can summon the beast using this shinigami potion.. use some of this on your hands before you summon to avoid any damage to them."
"c'mon now Scarlet." Kane said and walked out, Scarlet followed, Diego was left alone in his home with an evil grin as he stared at the bottle.........
in the Raikage's Royal home, 
City of water,

"Why are so many women being raped!!? WHY IN OUR WATER!!? I NEED AN ANSWER!! ITS BEEN 6 YEARS! the people are going crazy! they want us to do something more concrete in the matter! and their demands are obvious!," The Raikage was screaming and shouting at the Jounins of water, who after so many years weren't able to find out anything.
The Raikage

"Sir we have tried consulting the medics too. last year more than a hundred women were raped and we conducted tests before leaving them outside the city, but they said they weren't raped. while it was so obvious because all of them have been seen on the spot while things happened. the situations have changed, earlier the medics said they did see signs of rape but since a couple of years these signs have ceased to show. and someone from the family is always present and chained into a chair or wall while the woman's purity is taken by some unknown man who has never been spotted anywhere else in the water other than when he is raping our women. all this is so confusing. we have searched for the man everywhere.. is it possible that our women are watching dreams of such horrible acts?", One of the Jounins explained.

"Don't ask me that Abdul ! it is your job to find out!," the Raikage shouted back. The door to the Hall suddenly fell down with a loud bang. "wha?", The Raikage turned quickly and the Jounins quickly took attacking positions as they got up from their seats. "How about i help you find it out?", A voice came from where the door used to be. 
"Kane...", The raikage calmed down a bit, "what are you here for?"
"To protect your women which you can't," He replied with a proud smirk and walked in. The eyes of the Jounins followed him as he walked with Scarlet and took one of the seats. The Raikage was pissed at his statement but smiled, he for some reason loved the way this boy made himself comfortable. His confidence impressed the Raikage who would have usually considered this a disrespect but for some reason he didn't. Kane definitely acted like a spoiled Prince but since a few years now, people of all other clans too have started building some respect for him for all the good work he has done ever since Scarlet came into his life 5 years ago. 
"and how do you plan to do that?," asked one of the Jounins.
"your women, as i heard you found out 2 years before were being raped by shadow clones.", Kane answered," What you still do not know is that who was behind the clones.. am i right? or am i..... right?" 
Scarlet stood behind his chair keeping her hands on his shoulders, she continued for him, "the fire and death were behind it"

"WHAT!!?", The Raikage screamed banging the desk,"Diedara just came a few months ago to dissolve the issues and have friendly relations with Water! that scrawny puny!"
 "Diedara never does anything unless he gains something from it," Scarlet said. Having lived in the City of Fire, she has now known a lot about the land of fire, mostly from Kane and Sarah.

"so this friendly visit had to do something with the rapes?", Abdul asked. Scarlet did not speak so Kane did,"It was an excuse. He had come to visit a hidden base outside the borders of your city in the Land of Fire. He could be questioned if he travels this far from the City of Fire for no reason."

"ok.. if only the land of death was behind this, it was fine to believe you but why are you revealing the secrets of Fire?", another jounin asked. This had the  Raikage thinking, he spoke while rubbing his chin,"hmmm.... he is right..why to believe you?"

Kane smirked and said,"i did not say you have to believe me... your choice." The Raikage thought for a moment and could make out what Kane meant and he said, "Jounins of the water, we here have no other choice now than to believe this boy as far as i can see. Any questions?" Everyone nodded a no then Kane spoke again, "Now the mystery of women and a witness admitting case of a rape... to be honest, none of the women you have thrown out of the city in last two years have been raped, if i estimate, probably half of your city is under a genjutsu. Some one is using some sort of Genjutsu on people and making them see and hear things that have not happened."

"Genjutsu?" The Raikage looked confused. "uh... i think they don't know what it is master.. the art of genjutsu is limited to the lands fire and death" Scarlet said to Kane, then went on to explain, "Just like Ninjutsu is for the chakra moves, Taijutsu for physical moves, Genjutsu is for... you could say, use of chakra with the eye.. my master possesses sharingan, a form of genjutsu eye. He is the last survivor of his clan except for his brother so at present they are the only two possessors of Sharingan. In the same way there is Byakugan and Rin'negan."

"do you mean your brother could be behind this Kane?" Scarlet asked wanting to here a negative answer. She did not want Brooklyn and Kane together, because after seeing Brooklyn she knows her Kane wouldn't be normal.

Kane shook his head slowly,"Brooklyn won't be involved in such acts. Rin'negan in history has been possesed by only the Sage of Six paths. and he is dead for a good many years. It is someone with a byakugan, from the land of death"

"Now leave the rest to me! i will find and beat up those involved in all these un-heavenly acts!", The Raikage said furiously. In a land where purity of women mattered so much, where women were something to feel proud of, such acts shook up the whole city, specially when they keep happening since years. Kane refused, "i gave you what i needed, you give me what i need."

"so you came up here for a deal huh?", asked the Raikage," i had to know a fire won't be so generous. do you know i can finish you in one blow and there won't be a trace of you Mr.Fire?"
 Kane only smirked a little, "go ahead then" 
The Raikage smiled, "i like this cocky confidence of yours. what is it that i can give you young boy?"
Kane looked at the Jounins carefully before speaking, "You"

There were sudden eruptions of questions like what? why? accompanied with opinions 'no way'

The Raikage had everyone quiet, "what do you want from me?."

"Loyalty," was the only thing Kane said. The Raikage looked confused, "Loyalty?"
"I have a goal to achieve and i will need men. Strong men. You are going to be one of them." Kane declared rather than requested.
"huh.. if it needs a strong man, I am the only one in the world!" Said the Raikage with proud. Anybody by a look at him could tell how he loved to fight. An epitome of the male species' warrior insticts he was. 

Kane stood up and walked to the door as he spoke and Scarlet followed, "i will come back when i need you" and the two disappeared outside the broken door.

The sky was cold now as Kane and Scarlet flew on the back of Dranzer. The sun had set and evening was on the verge of being a night. 

"i still do not understand Kane, as far as i know you, you wouldn't have given that potion to Diego. why would you give such a power to someone like Diego? what if he really releases the beast of its seal?" Scarlet asked all of a sudden. Kane looked at her and spoke in his usual 'tone of no feelings', "your answer for a kiss.. deal?". He still looked at her not showing anything on his face. The only thing that could distinguish him from Brooklyn were his eyes, that had a fire of life. A passion. Brooklyn's eyes were as dead as his soul. Scarlet looked back into those warm crimson orbs that had her at hello, she smiled and leaned in closer, pressing her lips to his and kissing him with all her love. Kane responded to the kiss passionately. Any further questions were given a rest as the lovers kissed there way back to the City of Fire....

Scarlet's P.O.V.

and here we were.. kissing gain... his lips had me crazy always.. i wonder if mine had his.. of course they did.. or else why would he kiss me? i had to smile inside when his lips felt mine. i felt so relaxed. his lips were softly caressing mine.. and i was drawn into it again.. i kissed him back.. with all my heart.. i wanted him to feel what i felt.. my hands wrapped around his neck and i pulled him closer.. i forgot we were on Dranzer as we kissed.. he leaned forward and had me fall on my back as he lay on me.. we kissed passionately for how long i don't know.. his hands were all over me.. mine were on him.. we were exploring each other.. i felt his tongue softly kissing my lips and i knew what my little lover wanted.. i let him in  and sucked him softly.. i caressed him with my lips and let him make out with my own tongue because i was busy with my Kane.. we kissed and our tongues were dancing together.. his hands grabbed mine.. sliding them above my head.. holding them down on the soft feathery back of our friend.. he loved to dominate.. he had a love for power.. lke all the men of fire.. infact, most of the men in the world loved power.. but i loved his domination on me.. i responded his kisses with mine.. and then he broke the kiss.. as he made his way down.. he left my hands and i was quick to wrap them around him as he pressed his soft fiery lips on the nape of my neck. i let out a sigh of pleasure.. smiling.. i wonder if he forgot the world too like i did when we loved each other.. 


In the bright sky, Dranzer flew away into the sun, soaring through the skies and above the clouds at great speeds.. The legendary bird of Fire, as the world knew it had never had a master as loving as Kane. He treated Dranzer as a friend. He had Dranzer since his childhood. And as far as it remembered, this was the youngest man to have such incredible will, summoning dranzer and then providing it so much strength that it can take its full form in feathers and not in fires was not an easy task. Not even many Kings of Fire in the previous generations could summon it. If they did, they couldn't provide enough chakra for Dranzer to take its complete form.

Watchig the sun glowing bright in front of his eyes, Dranzer knew what went on upon his back, it's soul smiled, for it had never seen the Prince of Fire so lost into something other than his thoughts. It seemed Dranzer was very much non-existent to the lovers. It shrieked loudly into the yellow sky. Its shriek echoed all over the lands and waters. Kane and Scarlet lay entangled to each other.. her lips not ready to leave his. But Kane pulled back.. he stared into her green eyes and whispered, "Scarlet.. "

"yes..", she whispered back
"you don't have to call me master everytime.. i have had enough.. i don't like being called master.. i don't care anymore what the world thinks"

"i could see that at Diego's home.. and i am happy.. not because i get to be equal to you.. but because you have chosen the right path."

Kane got up from her and said, "no.. i haven't.. i am just being what i actually am.."
Scarlet sat up and smiled, "that is exactly the same thing kane... when i met you.. i knew you were not like others.. you are a fire that will burn all the evils.. a fire that will light up the world.. i have faith in you."
Kane looked ahead.. his crimson orbs stared at the sun so determined, Scarlet felt the sun might look away when Kane spoke, "probably not..."


"You want me to hate you, I already hate you. I hate you with a passion. This is the beginning of your end, I will climb over you, I will be stronger, I will avenge the death of our parents. You began this story Brooklyn, but i will write the end... the end of Brooklyn Firecaster, the beginning of a new beginning"


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